
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Grand Outing by the 4Gs

The four 'Grands'  went on a vacation drive. M&K were eager to go along with the G parents, while we were 'concerned' , for the travel upto M'lore via Hassan , with 2 kids and just the 2G's managing them , I was keen that they do it themselves.

I beleive that all Gs' should be on their own  for a certain period of time. The feel and comfort is unimaginable , Pleasure at its best and  relationship bonding unexplained . I recall my times with my Gs' , the time I spent with them is so fresh in my memory.

Me tagging along G' Pa to the market , he buying me a Piece of Pappaya etc. Every time I see a sliced pappaya , my mind just rewinds back to the time [ 1974 ] when I would be bought a Papayya from the road side.